iOS app v1.30 | Android app v1.22
Mobile application updates:
To provide more flexibility to team members that are on the go, the Papervee mobile app offers a wider range of functionality starting today.
Event requests
Users now have full access to the events system via the mobile app. By accessing the Leaves tab and the Events sub-tab, they can view their events requests and send new evet requests with all event types available in their workspace.
Managers also have the ability to access the Events sub-tab in order to manage event request.
Public Leave Calendar
The new public leave calendar is now also accessible to users on the mobile app. This sub-tab will appear in the Leaves tab if the "Public leave calendar" setting is enabled in the workspace. With this tab users can easily browse booked leaves from other team members in order to efficiently plan their leave days.
Remote Work Requests
Users can now send and view remote work requests with ease, using the Papervee mobile app. By accessing the Work Schedule tab and Remote work sub-tab, they can utilize the full remote work system, just like on the web platform.
Similarly, managers have the ability to access the remote work sub-tab in order to process any new remote work requests from their teams.
Manager mobile dashboard enhancement
The ability to inspect the statuses on the web platform dashboard and see the users that are in the various statuse has become a popular feature. To help managers have easy access to this, the same feature has been implemented on the mobile app dashboard as well.
So now if there are users in a certain status, you can click the arrow in the tile of the status in order to open a list of users that are currently in that status.