
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.




Web platform improvements:
Improved Attendace Sheet Export
In order to make the attendance sheet easier to read in a printed format, when exporting you now have the option to choose the "Improved" export option. This option requires much more space, however also permits a larger font size and easier to follow tables.



Web platform improvements:
Setting: Work schedule into tracked time
With this setting you can automatically transpose your team's work schedule into actual tracked time. The system will always update the previous day's tracked time with the user's set work schedule.
Attendance sheet column management
If certain columns in your attendance sheet aren't relevant to you, you can now disable them via the filter settings. Disabled columns will not show up in exports either.
Mobile app improvements:
Module access management setting
You can now decide which modules are accessible to employees in the mobile app. If you would like to limit their access to certain modules, you can disable them in the settings menu.




Web platform improvements:
User Group Filter for Attendance Sheet
Want to restrict the attendance sheet to specific user groups? Now you can. Select one or multiple user groups, and the sheet will be generated exclusively for them. The Excel and PDF exports will also be tailored based on the filter you set.
Customizable Time Intervals by User Group
You can now personalize the tracked time intervals based on user groups. If you have specific intervals you wish to monitor for particular groups, you can easily set this up. Additionally, if multiple groups are selected in the attendance sheet, only the time intervals common to these groups will be shown.
New Feature: Working Days Settings
This new feature allows you to designate working days for your team. If your schedule isn’t the typical Monday through Friday, you can adjust the structure for each user group individually. Changing the working days will impact the calculation of the standard work hours.
Monthly Leave and Events Report, Exportable to Excel
The monthly leave and events report is now exportable in Excel format.
Dated User Archiving
When archiving a user, you can now date the archiving to enhance the management of how archived employees are displayed in historical reports.
Web platform improvements:
User groups and personalized settings
You now have the ability to organize users within your workspace into groups and subgroups. You can utilize up to 4 levels of sub-grouping:
  • Organization
  • Level 1 Group
  • Level 2 Subgroup
  • Level 3 Subgroup
Once the groups are established, you can customize the organization's settings for each group, allowing a highly personalized approach to managing users in your workspace. Here are a few customization options you can now enjoy:
  • Limit time tracking methods or even devices by user groups;
  • Set automatic clock-out separately for each group;
  • Enable or disable the break system depending on the group.
Mobile App Enhancements:
Time tracking with photo capture
You now have the option to enable photo capture at the time of clocking in or out. This will take a photo of the user when they start or stop their time clock. This feature can be combined with QR code scanning or GPS location collection.
Time tracking with GPS Location Collection
With this setting, you can save the GPS location of the user when they start or stop their time tracking. This location can be checked by the manager on the Time tracking page and in the Attendance Sheet. Users must allow GPS location collection on their device to use this feature.
Limiting time tracking to Authorized Zones
Define time tracking zones (perimeters or radius) within which workspace users can clock in or out. They will only be able to clock in or out within these zones. Zones can be assigned individually to each user group.



Web platform improvements:
Connect and switch between multiple Papervee workspaces
If you're managing multiple Papervee workspaces, with this update you will be able to connect to all of your current workspaces and easily switch between them. Once authenticated, switching between workspaces is a simple 2 click process.
Papervee Social Launch
We're excited to announce that the Papervee Communities module received an extensive update, turning it into it's own sub-platform in Papervee, Papervee Social.
Papervee Social is the place where your team can get together in Communities, share their hobbies, organize events, immortalize their favorite moments with images, socialize and much more!
Features included in Papervee Social:
  • Personal "Feed" showing activity and posts from all the communities you're a part of.
  • Private and public communities where like-minded users can share posts, images and schedule events.
  • Emojis reactions and comments sections for both posts and events.
  • Management announcements section.
  • Updated colleague profiles.
  • Work anniversaries and birthdays.
  • Public leave and remote work calendars.
Excited to share your passions with your team? Organize a commnuity today with Papervee Social!



Web platform improvements
Leave conflict management when submitting new leave requests
With this new update when an employee is creating a leave request, they will immediately see a list of other employees that have leaves in the same period. This enables employees to avoid leave conflicts with their colleagues.
Additionaly, in the case of vacations, the form automatically calculates the change in number of available days, so the employee is aware of this.




Web platform improvements:
Advanced certificate generation system
Generating a much needed certificate has never been easier.
With the new system you can create new certificate folders and templates. You now have the ability to have multiple active certificate templates, that can be accessed by either employees, managers or both, depending on your preference.
Enable your employees to generate their own certificates, by activating specific templates and making them accessible for employee generation.
Fully customize your certificate folder setup and the available templates.
Advanced sick leave requests
In order to better manage and categorize sick leaves you can now add additional information pertaining to this type of leave. The new information fields available are: sick leave type, diagnosis code and sick leave number.
This information is now also available in reports.
Ability to toggle default leave types
Vacations, sick leaves, parental leaves and unpaid leaves are the default leave types available in Papervee. These leave types can now be disabled or enabled at will. If you do not want one of the above leave types to be available for employees to request, you can now disable it.
Clock in method tracking
Now every time entry will have the clocking method associated with it. This gives managers the abillity to see what the clock in and clock out method were. This information is available in the detailed view of the attendance sheet, time trakcing page, individual employee time tracking page and personalised reports.
QR code tracking device report
Now QR code time tracking devices also have a device reports alongside Papervee Hub and Papervee Virtual Hub devices. This report can be found in manager mode on the Time tracking page under the Clocking device report tab.
Papervee Virtual Hub: photo during clock-in and clock-out
In order to prevent time tracking fraud, Papervee Virtual Hub now has the option to take a photo during clocking actions performed by users. The photo function can be set to be obvious to users or discreet and invisible to regular users.




Web platform updates
Bulk Leave Request Insertion
In order to simplify the management of leave requests for managers, a new feature is now available on the Leaves and Events page in manager mode. The "+Add Leaves" button gives managers the ability to easily add vacation and leave requests to one or multiple users at the same time.
When adding bulk leave requests the system will also inspect individual leave calendars and if a user already has a conflicting leave or event, the bulk addition process will not be terminated, but rather the system will notify the manager of the users to whom the leave was not applied.
Leave requests that require a document upload, such as sick leaves cannot be added using this method.
Bulk Event Request Insertion
Similarly to the above described feature, events can also be added to users' calendars using the new "+Add Event" functionality. With this new button that can be found on the Leaves and Events page in manager mode, managers can easily add events to single or multiple users. In case of conflicts with already existing and approved leaves and events, the system will notify managers of the unbooked events.
QR code refresh timer setting
The default refresh window of the Papervee QR code for time tracking is 15 seconds. This new setting enables workspace owners and managers to increase or decrease the refresh window of the QR code. The smallest available refresh window is 7 seconds. Note that the QR code refreshes itself to prevent time tracking fraud. Making the refresh window longer increases the possibility of users sharing the QR code to users that are not in a location where the QR is displayed.
iOS app v1.30 | Android app v1.22
Mobile application updates:
To provide more flexibility to team members that are on the go, the Papervee mobile app offers a wider range of functionality starting today.
Event requests
Users now have full access to the events system via the mobile app. By accessing the Leaves tab and the Events sub-tab, they can view their events requests and send new evet requests with all event types available in their workspace.
Managers also have the ability to access the Events sub-tab in order to manage event request.
Public Leave Calendar
The new public leave calendar is now also accessible to users on the mobile app. This sub-tab will appear in the Leaves tab if the "Public leave calendar" setting is enabled in the workspace. With this tab users can easily browse booked leaves from other team members in order to efficiently plan their leave days.
Remote Work Requests
Users can now send and view remote work requests with ease, using the Papervee mobile app. By accessing the Work Schedule tab and Remote work sub-tab, they can utilize the full remote work system, just like on the web platform.
Similarly, managers have the ability to access the remote work sub-tab in order to process any new remote work requests from their teams.
Manager mobile dashboard enhancement
The ability to inspect the statuses on the web platform dashboard and see the users that are in the various statuse has become a popular feature. To help managers have easy access to this, the same feature has been implemented on the mobile app dashboard as well.
So now if there are users in a certain status, you can click the arrow in the tile of the status in order to open a list of users that are currently in that status.
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