


Web platform improvements:
User Group Filter for Attendance Sheet
Want to restrict the attendance sheet to specific user groups? Now you can. Select one or multiple user groups, and the sheet will be generated exclusively for them. The Excel and PDF exports will also be tailored based on the filter you set.
Customizable Time Intervals by User Group
You can now personalize the tracked time intervals based on user groups. If you have specific intervals you wish to monitor for particular groups, you can easily set this up. Additionally, if multiple groups are selected in the attendance sheet, only the time intervals common to these groups will be shown.
New Feature: Working Days Settings
This new feature allows you to designate working days for your team. If your schedule isn’t the typical Monday through Friday, you can adjust the structure for each user group individually. Changing the working days will impact the calculation of the standard work hours.
Monthly Leave and Events Report, Exportable to Excel
The monthly leave and events report is now exportable in Excel format.
Dated User Archiving
When archiving a user, you can now date the archiving to enhance the management of how archived employees are displayed in historical reports.