


Web platform updates
Bulk Leave Request Insertion
In order to simplify the management of leave requests for managers, a new feature is now available on the Leaves and Events page in manager mode. The "+Add Leaves" button gives managers the ability to easily add vacation and leave requests to one or multiple users at the same time.
When adding bulk leave requests the system will also inspect individual leave calendars and if a user already has a conflicting leave or event, the bulk addition process will not be terminated, but rather the system will notify the manager of the users to whom the leave was not applied.
Leave requests that require a document upload, such as sick leaves cannot be added using this method.
Bulk Event Request Insertion
Similarly to the above described feature, events can also be added to users' calendars using the new "+Add Event" functionality. With this new button that can be found on the Leaves and Events page in manager mode, managers can easily add events to single or multiple users. In case of conflicts with already existing and approved leaves and events, the system will notify managers of the unbooked events.
QR code refresh timer setting
The default refresh window of the Papervee QR code for time tracking is 15 seconds. This new setting enables workspace owners and managers to increase or decrease the refresh window of the QR code. The smallest available refresh window is 7 seconds. Note that the QR code refreshes itself to prevent time tracking fraud. Making the refresh window longer increases the possibility of users sharing the QR code to users that are not in a location where the QR is displayed.